Braden's Hot Chocolate Festival

Community / Events

Braden’s Hot Chocolate Festival was a fundraising event started by the Greening Media team in 2012. The event brings together various community partners, the Hamilton Conservation Foundation, Marz Homes, Hillfield Strathallan College, the Leggat Auto Group, Tim Horton’s, Sustainability Hamilton/Burlington, and many others.

Greening president Glenn Marshall and his family conceived the event, and our team is responsible for every aspect of the event’s branding and promo, creating custom multimedia campaigns each year that use emotionally-impactful stories to inspire people to attend the event and donate to its cause.

Much of our work with the Hot Chocolate Festival focuses on promoting community partners and sponsors. We have pioneered this model of involving the community and using corporate social responsibility and environmentalism to create value for our partners at every level.

Click here to see an article by Southern Ontario News

Click here to see CHCH coverage for Braden’s Hot Chocolate Festival 

Click here to see the Hamilton Spectator’s take on Braden’s Hot Chocolate Festival

Headlines from Hamilton Conservation: Braden’s Hot Chocolate Festival celebrates 5 years by hitting $75,000 mark‎ for Dundas Valley

 5 Amazing years & over $75,000 raised for Hamilton Conservation!

Award Winning Event

 Total media impressions achieved (2016):



 Value of media sponsorship (2016):
